York needs more public toilets and bins - and a clean-up

AFTER reading about the plans for improving Coney Street I just thought that the whole city needs a good clean up first.

The city needs free toilets and baby changing areas in the city centre and more bins.

We walked from the top of Micklegate and there was not a bin in sight until we got right into the town.

As for toilets, the city is a disgrace. The three public toilets in town are extortionate and then they close on a night. What are visitors to do then?

Not everyone wants to go into a pub to go to the toilet!

The whole city needs a complete overhaul including a clean up of the bridges too.

Yvonne Smith,

Butt Hedge,

Long Marston, York


Are Chancellor's calculations incompetence?

SOME 80 days ago Chancellor Reeves identified a £22bn “black hole” in our nation's finances.

To help fill the same she penalised pensioners to raise £2bn, then authorised wage increases to public sector employees at a cost of £12bn.

She now claims the original black hole was only £15bn.

Is this creative accountancy a result of half the treasury staff working from home and not being “keyed in” or just basic incompetence?

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



Middle East welcome distraction

NOT much appears to have been said, or revealed, about Russia’s position on the Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Iran situation.

One imagines they might be rubbing their hands with glee for several reasons.

Prominent amongst these reasons is that the Middle East melee is a terrific distraction from their ongoing war against Ukraine.

To some extent it takes our eyes, and Western leadership’s focus, off that fighting because the press and media are concentrating and headlining elsewhere, albeit for understandable reasons.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



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