'York has reputation as needing a tidy, scrub and wash'

MANY will agree with Yvonne Smith’s lead letter in The Press for October 14: ( 'York needs more public toilets and bins - and a clean-up').

York has ‘earned’ an unenviable reputation as a place that needs a good tidy, scrub and wash.

As to the acute bin shortage, perhaps a binary solution is needed. I must come clean at this point by admitting that I’ve not compared it with other towns and cities in Britain.

Meanwhile, The Press is running a series of reader ballots to establish the best in various types of shops, businesses and amenities in the city, ranging from fish shops to barbers.

You might consider running ‘York’s best’ polls in, say, Post Offices, pharmacies, shoe shops, coffee shops, ghost walks , churches, parks and other categories…have fun adding to this list.

I suppose a candidate for inclusion could be the best public toilets but alas it would be a very short list indeed.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,



Are Labour leaders suffering from gerontophobia?

WE see everyday that that so-called experts come up with more isms, phobias, ologies and syndromes that you can shake a stick at.

What they really mean is we haven't got a clue.

There is one phobia that seems very prevalent in the Government circles and many of the cabinet seem to suffer with it, especially Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves.

The phobia is gerontophobia which given its meaning it is the hatred of the elderly.

T J Ryder,




Can Labour do worse?

WE have just had the worst government ever with the worst prime ministers ever, not just my opinion but by far the majority of the country inflicting the biggest thrashing a Tory government has ever had.

We don't know if this Labour government will do any better, but what I do know is it can't do any worse.

I know some of your readers will disagree with me by the letters they keep writing, but I would suggest for them to stop throwing their toys out of the pram and maybe move somewhere more suited.

Brian Smith,

Tennent Road,




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