Mobiles phones should be banned at work too!

THE use of mobile smart phones in school is frowned upon and creating problems. A mandatory ban in all schools has been suggested.

But why not ban all mobile phones in all working environments - except in certain circumstances.

I'm surely not the only person to be ignored by some hapless individual too busy peering into their phone and ignoring everything that happens around them.

Phones shouldn't be part of a working day as they only provide a distraction.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Millions killed and maimed by military action

PRESS correspondents are still urging the use of long range missiles from Ukraine deep into Russian territory, in the 'hope' that this will result in Russian capitulation, and mad, bad, Stalin/Hitler like Putin, who has brought so much misery to the world, will be vanquished and Ukraine will take back all its territories and peace will flourish there.

Just like in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan after the British and the Americans decided regime change was needed to free those countries from tyranny.

Shame that millions were killed, maimed and left homeless in the process, but, heigh-ho, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs can you?

And OK yes, we may have been responsible for ten times more deaths than Putin & co, but we've mainly killed Arabs not Europeans, so there's no comparison - is there?

Mike Race,

Byron Drive,



All theory with no experience

EVERY time Starmer or Reeves speak of promoting "economic growth" they expose themselves for what they are: political animals steeped in theory never having owned a business large or small.

In one breath, they agree to union demands resulting in even more expensive red tape restrictions for employers, in the next purport to support business by proffering supportive platitudes which, when analysed, are noting more than smoke and mirrors.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



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