Developers will today (Thursday, October 24) learn if they can press ahead with ambitious plans to develop York’s Coney Street by opening the area up to the riverside.

A decision is expected on the Helmsley Group’s masterplan by a City of York Council planning committee starting at 4.30pm.

Councillors have been recommended to approve the plans unless the Secretary of State calls in parts of the application relating to listed buildings sited within the scheme.

Max Reeves, development director at the Helmsley Group, said they are “optimistic” that the plans will be approved.

“It has been a long journey to get to this point, but we are now optimistic that we will be given the green light to move forward with this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,” he said.

How Coney Street could look if the plans are approvedHow Coney Street could look if the plans are approved (Image: Supplied) “Having worked closely with key stakeholders in York over the past few years, we know that this development would not only be welcomed but is needed, and will bring significant benefits, including increased visitor numbers, vital public green space, job creation and boosted city centre spend. We are extremely grateful to everyone for their support.

“Coney Street Riverside will build on our long-held ambition to revitalise Coney Street and reconnect it with its riverfront, alongside creating a welcoming, family friendly offer and much-needed accommodation to meet student demand within the city.”

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Coney Street traders, the York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and York Civic Trust have backed the plans.

“Given the huge economic, social and historic benefits this will bring, we trust that elected officials on the planning committee will recognise the once in a generation opportunity the scheme will bring to York,” said Sarah Czarnecki, president of the York & North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce.

“Thanks to Helmsley Group, Coney Street looks set for a new and exciting chapter in its long and proud history.”

How the Coney Street riverside area could look if the plans are approvedHow the Coney Street riverside area could look if the plans are approved (Image: Supplied) “We really want to see Coney Street come back to its former glory,” said Brian Marshall, co-owner of The Luxe Company in Coney Street, adding that the Helmsley Group’s plans would be the "catalyst" to do this.

He continued: “I think any city that’s got such a fantastic resource as the river flowing through the centre of it needs to make really good use of that.

“And anything that encourages people to come to Coney Street and use the river facilities that are proposed will have a knock-on effect to the retailers in Coney Street, of whom we are one.”

Staff at the Lambretta Clothing store, which moved to Coney Street from the corner of High Ousegate and Spurriergate this summer, said the development would breathe new life into the area.

But, if approved, they said the disruption of the work should be managed carefully.

“It will be worth it in the end, it’s just whether small businesses like us can get through the disruption. It’s not going to be a couple of weeks,” said manager Danny Kilner.