York Christmas Market is 'out of hand' and a 'no-go area'

SO Blue Badge holders are being excluded from their city once again.

This time it’s because of the Christmas Market which means that the streets are crowded, leaving no room for disabled residents to go about their business safely.

It’s not fair and it’s not right! This is their city.

Every year our city is taken over by this horrible event.

It makes the city centre a no-go area for many of us, also including people who are able bodied.


* York's Christmas Market blue badge ban slammed by group

* Calls to spread out York Christmas Market for better access


I avoid the city from November onwards, as do many of my friends. Who wants to do Christmas shopping where the crowds are unbearable?

We already have a market, where the same traders are there week after week, and don’t need another one!

The Christmas Market has got out of hand. It was acceptable when it was here for a few days, when it was the St Nicholas Fair. Now it takes over the city centre for weeks. It’s not fair and it’s not right. This is our city.

Alicia Short,

Owlwood Lane ,




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