High energy bill for our two-bed bungalow

FINING car makers millions and creating job losses because many of us do not want, nor will ever buy electric cars is ridiculous.

It's as bad as council anti-car traffic systems creating traffic jams to force people on to bicycles.

Life under the Tories was not ideal but wait till we see the result of the Starmer government on our economy.

A budget from Rachel Reeves, a complaints officer (not an economist) with Lloyds Bank, is already wreaking havoc.

Our energy bill for our two-bed bungalow in cold November was £350!

A Merry Christmas for us all.

John Zimnoch,

Osbaldwick, York


Drivers - slow down!

THERE'S nothing more alarming when driving down the road than a vehicle suddenly swerving on to your side as they pass cyclist.

Have drivers forgotten (or were never taught how to pass slow moving horses / tractors or cyclists)?

Firstly you don't have to be breathing down there necks and intimidating them.

Change into a lower gear, anticipate a good gap in the traffic coming towards you.

Indicate your intentions, pull out smoothly, accelerate and pass, leaving ample space between yourself and the cycle / slow moving vehicles.

In the case of passing a horse leave lots of space and pass  SLOWLY.

A driver that doesn't anticipate oncoming vehicles and has to pull out sharply to the wrong side of the road is tempting fate.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,




Researching family history

MANY of your readers may have wondered how to research their family history.

My father did a lot of very hard research using old Parish records, cemeteries and lots of letter writing to archives in Melbourne, Australia, where my Grandfather came from.

He got lots of information over many years but there were gaps, both at the Melbourne end and at the village of Stutton, and Tadcaster where I am from.

Then someone told me about York Family History Society on James Street, York.

This is a small office in The Raylor Centre where a small dedicated group of volunteers helped me using their 6 computers to gain valuable information, which my father would have loved to add to our own Family Tree.

The facility is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week, and the small fees charged are well worthwhile.

My thanks go to Alan and his team, I just wish my Dad could have seen modern technology in action.

Stuart Wilson,

Vesper Drive,



Can we really hold back climate change?

AS a small island nation were we to become net zero on carbon emissions with the rest of the world doing as they do now - nothing of consequence - would Canute Miliband be able to guarantee mother nature would exclude us from future patterns of extreme climatic conditions thus making all our sacrifices either worthwhile or futile, my bet is on the latter.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,



Season to be healthy. Or not?

WHAT a pleasure it would be to find more stalls at the Christmas market, and in York generally, selling healthy food.

Rose Berl,

De Little Court,

Vine Street,



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