York magistrates sentenced defendants recently for city centre violence and breaking a driving ban.

Jack Small, 33, of Ashville Street, off Huntington Road, York, pleaded guilty to two public order offences committed in the city centre and was given a 12-month community order with a 90-day alcohol abstinence tag and 10 days’ rehabilitative activities. He was ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and a £114 statutory surcharge.

Robert Caunt, 37, of Spalding Avenue, Clifton, pleaded guilty to affray in Blake Street, York.  York magistrates banned him from going to McDonalds on Blake Street for 12 months under a 12-month community order and ordered him to pay £150 compensation.   

A few days earlier, he had  been sentenced at Lancaster Magistrates Court to an 18-week prison sentence suspended for 18 months on condition he does a 26-day rehabilitative programme, 20 days’ rehabilitative activities and 120 hours’ unpaid work after he pleaded guilty to assaulting a woman twice in Blackpool. He must pay £85 prosecution costs.

Max Jackson, 33, of Garth Drive, Hambleton, pleaded guilty to driving whilst disqualified and without insurance on Moor Lane, York.  He was banned from driving for a further six months and given a 12-month community order with 60 hours’ unpaid work.  He must also pay £85 prosecution costs.