For years, I worked as a commission salesman and could never cut corners or employ sharp practice. When a manager, I had to choose suitable, inexperienced people and require them to survive on a barely adequate guarantee salary, repayable when they started to produce. When trained, they went out and performed, sink or swim. It was no mickey mouse product they were going out to sell. It was quality, established equipment used in mailrooms and mailing operations world wide.

So, everything necessary for success was there. A product they could believe in with established quality and success and people with the right attitude, motivated with pride and a growing demand for the applications of the product. When it all came together, everybody benefited and the company and its people continued to prosper and grow. RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN PERFORMANCE.

Compare this with the NHS and the politicians and their managers who run it. They have an established, quality organisation staffed by dedicated people. But, even with all the money they have thrown at it, look what they’ve done with it while giving themselves big increases in pay. If they were paid by result they would be on benefits. Benefit cheats!