This is a recipe given to me by Chris at the Walnut. You may find it useful. It is one version of the famous Russian-doll-like roast. (Which I had never heard of.)

Its preparation is long and complicated. The birds used should be boned. 18 hours moderate roasting and check the juices run clear.

Stuff a large olive with capers and a clove
Place the olive inside abec-figue
Place the bec-figue inside an ortolan
Place the ortolan inside a lark
Wrap the lark in vine-leaves and place inside a large thrush
Place the thrush inside a plump Quail
Wrap the Quail in bacon and place inside a plover
Place the plover inside a lapwing.
the lapwing inside a partridge
the partridge inside a woodcock
the woodcock inside a teal
the teal inside a guinea-fowl
the guinea-fowl inside a duck
the duck inside a plump chicken
the chicken inside a large, high pheasant
the pheasant inside a goose
the goose inside a turkey
the turkey inside an enormous bustard.

I must point out, as a bird lover who does eat some of them occasionally, I think this is completely over the top. Chris has asked me to say this will definitely not be on his menu at the Walnut.