A recent world power with consequential international interests, we cannot totally withdraw inside our home borders in these troubled times. We do have legitimate responsibilities to face and need to be fully engaged with the world community as it develops. We have a lot to offer, having gone through what less developed nations are now experiencing, and learnt lessons. At the same time, we have to secure our borders, strengthen their defence against attack and stay awake to threats from wherever they arise.

In war time, the nation is mobilised and united to maintain its survival. In normal times of open trading and peace, that camaraderie is put aside and we revert to outright competition for the spoils of wealth generation. We have won our share of that, as prosperity has grown throughout the democratic world, but millions at home and abroad are trampled and forgotten as they fall in the race for self improvement.

We should be concentrating our efforts to engage all those who were left behind, many of whom have opted out and are working against our continued progress.