I listened to Tony Blair justifying the election of his candidates in the council elections on BBC. He explained, we misunderstand all the things which we think are going wrong. They are better than they were when he came in, and he also has more new ideas for the future. We don't understand because that's how people react to governments when they are in as long as his. It's only natural. Words to that effect.

Dead right !!! Absolutely !!! Totally !!! Utterly !!! Unquestionably !!! WHOLLY CORRECT !!! Politicians have a shelf life and he has been standing with his foot in the door far too long, just as Maggie did before him. I voted both in and couldn't wait to see the back of them after the first few years.

Call me ungrateful if you like. They both did what we wanted at the time. That's why we put them in! We should have put them out much sooner but there were no credible alternatives. Now we are back to square one but in far more dangerous times. We see how easy it is to be led into situations far beyond our capabilities, bogged down and suffering loss of life and respect.

People in political parties are not the ultimate font of wisdom. Nor are they without error. In fact, they may be better at making a case than we are but, strip away the regalia and pomp we bestow on them, they often lack the common sense, instinct and life experience we have. The big difference is in the power over our lives we also give them. Once they get used to the job they think it is theirs by right and get us to do what they want. Try as they do to make us think they are just like us, we know they are not. They only do it to have their way with us. 85% of France turned out for their election. With all the costly razzmatazz our turnout is dismal. That reflects its value to the majority.

Government is far too important to be placed in the hands of one narrow section of society, or not to be representative of the widest possible range of citizens and opinion. We need a referendum to see!

PS. Tony Blair promised one and did not deliver!!!