How sickening that after all the commercialisation and celebration around St Patrick's Day, I didn't see one mention on TV today of our English Patron Saint.

Now I know that many TV presenters are lightweight thinkers, with very few individual thoughts, but I had foolishly imagined that those behind the cameras were a little sharper. Maybe I'm wrong, because if they had a finger on the pulse of the average Englishman, they would know we are getting really fed up with being ignored. You have to be able to understand polite quiet English fury, to know what's going on.

What a relief to see that "The Press" hadn't forgotten and had placed the flag of St George up there on the top of the paper. Thank goodness for local papers that are in tune with their readers.

I'm still feeling sick though, TEN YEARS OF NEW LABOUR and we still don't have a government that represents the interests of the English as a nation.

No wonder people get fed up with politics.