A COUNCILLOR has criticised City of York Council for refusing to look into the possibility of buying new land to transform into football pitches.

Coun John Galvin wrote to the council’s chief executive, Bill McCarthy, on January 7, urging council officers to explore the possibility of buying a field near Bishopthorpe that has been put up for sale.

He also suggested that part of the field would be needed if a link road was built between Sim Balk Lane and Bishopthorpe Road to ease traffic congestion in Bishopthorpe. But last week, when we reported Coun Galvin’s idea in The Press, a council spokeswoman said they had no plans to buy the field, which is just south of the A64, next to Sim Balk Lane.

Coun Galvin, who represents Bishopthorpe ward, said: “I’m a bit disappointed that following a letter to the chief executive, someone has said within a matter of days that this is not going to happen. It was not just about the link road, it was also about football pitches which are badly needed on this side of York. I think it was a bit unfair how the idea was dismissed out of hand. I think it’s very premature to make a decision not even to look into it.”

A spokeswoman for the council said its stance on the issue had not changed.