LEADER Daz Uttley was toppled by third-placed Neil Hart in the latest round of matches in the Clifton Hotel group of the Clifton Hotel/Crescent WMC Individual Darts League.

Uttley, who threw an 18-dart leg and had a three-dart average of 65.82, was beaten 7-4 by Hart, who threw two 21-dart legs, a 20, a 19 and two 18s for an average of 69.36.

Dave Scaum (a 20-dart leg, an 18 and two 17s) produced the highest average of the week, reaching 73.55 in a 7-2 win over John Holmes (61.68).

Paul Brandon (60.33) beat Steve Simpson (60.99) 7-2, while Dave Scaum (50.68) beat Shane Hurst (45.24) 7-1.