A FEMALE York corner shop worker was left seriously distressed after a robber threatened her during a raid last night.

Police said a man went in to Donaldson’s Convenience Store & Off Licence, in Lawrence Street, and issued threats to the member of staff before stealing goods and making off in the direction of Hull Road.

They said they did not know what was stolen during the robbery, in which no one was injured.

Police described the employee as “shaken-up” and said they did not believe the robber was armed.

The raid happened at 6.45pm and after being alerted, officers launched a search for the offender, who was described as about 5ft 6ins tall and wearing a black, hooded top.

Nathan Wharton, 20, who was going to the store to buy some cigarettes at the time of the incident, said: “As I opened the door, he just shot out past me and I went to the counter and there was no one there.

“I heard someone sobbing, so I looked over the counter and the woman was on the floor. She was really distressed – she just said that she’d been robbed. I picked her up and phoned the police.”

Detectives urged anyone who may have seen the robber to phone 0845 6060 247 as soon as possible.