WITH reference to Maxine Gordon’s article in The Press of January 13, about anti-ageing treatment.

For fear of antagonising my peers, beauty is only skin deep and the many cosmetics and anti-ageing creams that are on offer these days are a waste of time and money.

There is no elixir for a healthy and long life; to a great extent this is in the lap of the gods and one’s family genes in some cases.

When it comes to all the potions that one may be encouraged to take, especially the female of the species, covering ones skin with layers of cream and make up can only have an adverse effect in the long run to the pores of the skin preventing them from breathing.

Fresh air without too much exposure to the sun, exercise, a balanced diet, including fruit, vegetables and oily fish are all one should require to combat illness.

The only winners are the cosmetics industry and it does not alter ones inner self.

Grow old gracefully, without having to resort to the ancient Britons tale of woad.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington, York.