PLANS to bring an historic community building back into use have taken a leap forward after nearly £1million of Lottery funding was rubber-stamped by the Government.

Confirmation of the cash means that a major revamp of St Clement’s Hall, in Moss Street, York, can start in the next six months, in the hope it will be re-open for use in 2010.

The Grade II listed building was on the brink of being converted into housing several years ago – but following a lengthy campaign, it will now be restored and turned back into a local facility.

The newly refurbished hall will provide a central hall for activities, a large meeting room and eight offices for use by community and voluntary organisations.

Pauline Buchanan, chair of St Clement’s Hall Preservation Trust, said: “We are delighted that the realisation of the community’s dream is in sight.

“The trust has been working towards the preservation of St Clement’s Hall and the adjoining Church House to return them to community use since they were put up for sale in 2000.

“During that time, the trust has had to oppose inappropriate development into flats, but once the site came into the ownership of City of York Council, a partnership was formed to find a way to preserve the buildings and return them to community use.

“We are frequently stopped in the street by people asking about progress and it is going to be wonderful telling them the good news.”

The bid for £977,155 from the Big Lottery Fund was co-ordinated by City of York Council in partnership with St Clement’s Hall Preservation Trust.

Micklegate ward councillor Dave Merrett said: “We know the demand is out there for community use, and it presents a great opportunity for providing rooms for activities such as a local playgroup or children and young people’s activities.

“It could also be somewhere for older people in the community who’ve missed the former Swandale club, and for the Nunnery Area Residents Association and the Micklegate Ward Committee to have our public meetings.”

Coun Sandy Fraser, who also represents the Micklegate ward, said the newly-refurbished hall would be a “major boost” for local people.