ANYONE feeling strapped for cash?

Got several unopened envelopes staring at you reproachfully with their gloomy content – bills, overspends – just bursting to leap out and hit you on the nose? You are not alone, my friend, and that’s the first comfort.

Wait, hang on a bit.

You’ve been here before haven’t you?

Yes, okay, 2008 has been particularly credit crunchy and melt downy but the truth is, the weeks after the Christmas season often feel much like this, at least until pay day. You know it gets better and that’s the second comfort.

Want to know the best comfort of all? It doesn’t have to be this way. You get what you focus on, so begin from right now to focus on your wealth. It doesn’t matter if you feel far from wealthy.

Visualise your true wealth; see yourself attracting the job of your dreams with exactly the right pound signs attached to it.

See yourself happy and fulfilled and moving steadily towards your financial goals.

The difference between surviving another year and going into the next one positively thriving is in how well you now paint the picture of your future success, and then how determined you are to make it happen. You have a whole year to thrive.

So start now, in your imagination, where everything that happens in your life is first created.