A YOUNG cancer campaigner has won a national award for his work in raising awareness of the disease in the young.

Dan Savage, of Boroughbridge Road in York, was 20 when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2003.

Thankfully the disease was caught in time and Dan made a full recovery.

Since then he has worked to raise awareness of cancer among young people and has now been named as Macmillan Cancer Relief’s Young Cancer Champion of the Year.

He picked up his award at a ceremony at the House of Commons yesterday.

A spokeswoman for the charity said: “Dan has done countless radio interviews during Men’s Cancer Awareness month to raise awareness of the help Macmillan can give – he was so effective that by the end of the day he given over a dozen interviews including national TV and radio.

“Over the past few years Dan has willingly responded to many requests to help with media work on Macmillan campaigns, awareness months and his own story and relationship with Macmillan. He is a very personable and persuasive spokesperson for Macmillan.”

Talking about the award Dan, who is now 26, said: “It’s a real honour obviously but there are a lot of inspirational people who have helped me along the way as well. It’s an award for them too, I have not gone on the journey alone.”

Dan was diagnosed with testicular cancer while studying for his Masters degree in architectural glass.

He discovered a lump and was told by his doctor that it was almost certainly nothing to worry about. But fortunately Dan did worry and went for more tests which discovered that the cancer was in quite an advanced state.

But after chemotherapy he beat the disease and completed his degree. He then set up Artstop Studios in Boroughbridge Road and in 2007 was named as The Press Young Business Entrepreneur Of The Year at the newspaper’s annual business awards.