For years I’ve shaken my head at the way motorists seem unable – with a few exceptions, when I cheer – to use the Paragon Street into Fishergate one-way system correctly.

The road markings are explicit: coming from the Tito’s Italian restaurant corner (and from the Clifford’s Tower direction) and wishing to go up the A19 towards Fulford, there are no give way signs or lines, and clear road markings which allow vehicles to move forward and then merge before the Kent Street turn-off.

I have some sympathy with those aiming for Kent Street, but there is no excuse for the number of regular users that just sit at an imaginary give way sign causing a tailback, and at rush hours a gridlock.

Please, please could they study the merge road-markings and use this junction correctly if they read this, and could those approaching from the Barbican side not hoot and flash when we have the temerity to merge from the right, correctly and according the Highway Code.

Dorothy Nicholson, Grange Garth, Fishergate, York.