The original Blueprint album was recorded in the wake of the 9/11 tragedy, adding gravitas to a much-misunderstood musical genre.

How ironic that the strongest track on the third instalment, DOA (Death Of Auto-Tune), campaigns against the use of the increasingly prolific voice correction technology in the recording industry. If ever there were a case of going from the sublime to the ridiculous, here it is.

Musically, The Blueprint 3 does have its moments. The Glastonbury Festival headliner, CEO of Def Jam Records and hubby of Beyonce Knowles is well connected and has enlisted jazz greats and guest appearances from Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Kanye West and Pharrell.

In such stellar company, the album should cross over to an old-school jazz and soul audience, but the disparaging language, especially his shocking comments directed towards the black community, will alienate many.