THE cost of policing Drax power station in case of protests by environmental activists could be as much as £500,000.

Dozens of officers from seven different police forces were deployed at the power station over the weekend and last week as a contingency against eco-protesters descending on the station.

The power station had been the focus for the Climate Camp protest in 2006, although this year the vast majority of protesters were at a power station in Nottingham.

But a police chief said the North Yorkshire force was mindful that the protest could spread.

Assistant Chief Constable Tim Madgwick said: “North Yorkshire Police have worked closely with partner agencies to plan for any potential action by climate campaigners.

“The contingency plan, which included an increased policing presence in and around local power stations and was supported by officers from seven police forces, was in the context of the main Climate Camp protest in Nottinghamshire. “We also remain very mindful that North Yorkshire was the focus of the Climate Camp protest in 2006, therefore the potential for serious disruption was very real.

“In the event there were no incidents of related protest action in North Yorkshire over the weekend. We are satisfied that the contingency measures put in place were successful.

“Had there been a demonstration, be it small or large scale, we were fully prepared to deal with a range of challenges. Our aim was to ensure that it remained peaceful and lawful, while at the same time reassuring local people and businesses that their rights would be upheld and respected.”

North Yorkshire Police would not say how many officers had been deployed for operational reasons, but kept local residents informed of what was happening through a mail-drop of 3,000 homes.