A CAT rescue centre in Selby district is in financial crisis and is accepting no new inmates until next spring.

Black Cat Rescue, in North Duffield, has been run by Jackie Bower for the last eight years from her home.

Money has always been tight, but a spate of bad luck has led to her having to spend thousands of pounds with her vet.

Jackie said: “This year has been an absolute nightmare for sick and dying cats. In the eight years that Black Cat Rescue has been up and running I have never experienced anything like it.

“At a wild guess I have spent more than £5,000 at the vet so far this year, and a good percentage of that has been paid by a very generous supporter in order for me to keep the little cash I had for food and litter.

“In addition to a ‘fluey’ virus that’s been doing the rounds, I lost a kitten with some very strange neurological illness.

“Last Tuesday I rushed a cat to the vet and they had to keep her and put her on a drip. When I picked her up I took another cat with me. She had to be left for blood tests and rehydration treatment – they rang me at 7pm to say kidneys had failed and so she needed to be put to sleep. This morning I have had to rush the first cat back down once again.

“My vet is very good to me and keeps my bills as low as possible, but she has to make a living.

“I have no means of paying this bill, unless I pay on a credit card, but then I still have to pay that back somehow.”

On top of this, Jackie has no room for any more cats and ideally would like to close one of her cattery sheds down over the winter to save the estimated £600 fuel costs.

To do this, though, she will have to find homes for three kittens, two adult cats and two cats which are aged about 11.

She said animals of this age are always particularly difficult to find loving homes for.

Anyone who can help should send donations to Jackie’s vet at End Cottage Veterinary Clinic at Howden, or phone Jackie on 01757 289435.