A MAN has been arrested in the hunt for a serial arsonist in York.

The arsonist is last thought to have struck on October 7 when a rubbish fire spread to a gas pipe in Upper Newborough Street and hundreds of people had to be evacuated from surrounding streets in the early hours of the morning.

Police now hope they have made a breakthrough in the hunt for the fire raiser, who has struck nearly 30 times in the last three months, setting fire to bins and piles of rubbish.

Detective Inspector Maria Taylor, of York CID, said a 26-year-old man has now been arrested on suspicion of arson. DI Taylor said he was arrested at his home address, but would only confirm that he lived in the York area.

He has since been released on police bail pending further inquiries.

She said the arrest had come after extensive house-to-house inquiries and hard work from all the officers involved in the investigation.

She said: “It was down to hard detective work around the area and we are still working to try to progress the case.” The man is due to answer bail next month.

The Press exclusively broke the story of an arsonist operating in the streets around Bootham Crescent and Newborough Street at the beginning of this month.

The first fire was recorded on June 17, in Ratcliffe Street in the early hours of the morning, and that pattern of offending has continued.

At the time, Dave McCabe, of North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, said his concern was that the bin fires could spread to neighbouring buildings and result in the serious injury or even death.

Members of the public are still being asked to report all incidents and call 999 and ask for the fire service if they see any fires in the local area. If anybody sees or hears of any suspicious activity in the area they should phone the Clifton Safer Neighbourhood Team on 0845 6060247 or phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.