A YORK florist has caused hearts to flutter in the run up to Valentine’s Day by replacing traditional floral window displays with something more saucy.

Cheeky window dressers at Floral Elegance in Front Street, Acomb, have positioned a pair of life-like mannequins in titillating underwear in their windows, prompting passers-by to confuse the florists with a more adult-themed store.

The idea came about when owner Sue Hunter and manager Lesley Price decided that after a gloomy winter, the recession, and recent terrible weather, the area would appreciate something to smile about.

Sue said: “We got together with our sign-writer, and decided to have a bit of a laugh.

“The display’s only been up a week or so, and already one man has been in and asked if he could have the mannequins once we’ve finished with them!”

According to Sue, the new display has led to some confusion from some male passers-by, who think the florist has started selling less family-friendly goods.

“We’ve had a few men come in looking nervous, then appearing confused and buying small plants or flowers to hide their embarrassment,” said Sue.

“But so far, we haven’t had any complaints."

Kaye Harris, 37, of Askham Lane, York, was told by her husband about the display before catching a glimpse of the near-nude mannequins.

Kaye said: “I’m really glad I’ve seen them now.

“They’re a bit naughty, but it’s just a bit of fun, and it makes people laugh."

Lesley said: “The residents in the care home facing us were having a right laugh while we were putting up the display.

“At the end of the day it’s there to promote the Valentine’s Day offer, but also to cheer everyone up a bit."

Charles Kendall, of Rufforth, saw the display for the first time just after his 87th birthday, and instantly approved.

He said: “I’m very much in favour of it.

“The shop always does brilliant displays.

“It brightens Acomb up a bit, and now I’m looking forward to Valentine’s Day.”