IN OCTOBER, the Government intends to introduce a landline tax of 50 pence per month to provide a better broadband connection for everyone. This is yet another tax on the most vulnerable in our society.

A lot of elderly people are not comfortable with using mobiles. These people rely on their landline connection to maintain contact with the outside world.

The same people and many others do not need a broadband connection, they do not have a computer and have no desire to get one. In fact, they are being taxed to provide a luxury item for others, which is hardly fair.

From April, some pensioners will see a 2.5 per cent increase on their state pension, some will receive less and some will see none at all. From this meagre pittance, the tax man will take 50p per month from October. This is not looking after the elderly as the Labour Party often tells us it wishes to do.

AP COX, Heath Close, Holgate, York.