FAMILIES hunted for clues along the historic streets of York as part of an Easter treasure hunt organised by Nestlé.

The charity event, which took place yesterday afternoon, is expected to have raised more than £350 for Marie Curie Cancer care.

Co-organiser Astrid Hartland said: “We had a lovely day. The weather was windy and a bit fresh, but it was nice and sunny.

“About 30 families took part and they all said they really enjoyed it. They found it challenging but they said they saw a lot of things in York they had never seen before.

“They had a route to walk around the city and look for things like the number of lions on a coat of arms or the date on a building. It was a good thing for a family to do on a spring day in York.”

Astrid said Nestlé would now consider making the treasure hunt an annual event.