DETECTIVES investigating the suspected murder of Claudia Lawrence have been urged by the missing chef’s family to keep the public updated on the inquiry.

Martin Dales, a friend and spokesman for Claudia’s father, Peter Lawrence, said he believed it would be helpful to the investigation if members of the public were kept better informed.

His comments came as he called on a former police officer, believed to have been in a relationship with the 36-year-old, to come forward to help detectives.

Mr Dales said several friends of Claudia had told the family she had been involved with an officer who used to work for North Yorkshire Police, but they did not know his name or rank.

He said the information had been passed to the police when she went missing, but he did not know the outcome of any police inquiries.

“If it is true, I would urge that ex-officer to go to the police because he might have information to help them,” he said.

Claudia’s best friend, Suzy Cooper, told The Press she was not aware of Claudia ever having been in a relationship with a former police officer, and a spokeswoman for North Yorkshire Police said they had no evidence to prove the allegations were true.

Earlier this month, police revealed a colleague had come forward to say Claudia had been out with a boyfriend into the early hours of the morning only two days before she vanished on March 18, 2009.

Mr Dales said: “We haven’t been told anything more about this, and I think it would be helpful to keep the public better informed so they know what’s on the agenda and what’s off the agenda.

“In terms of people they wish to talk to, it helps for people to know what’s on the agenda – it’s all about updating the public.”