YOUNG people from York are preparing for an adventure to raise funds for a new youth café.

York Young People’s Trust aims to raise £10,000 in sponsorship money when members of the trust paddle their canoes along the Great Glen in Scotland later this year.

Joe Armer, of York Youth Council, said: “Young people in York have very few places to go when the weather is bad in the city centre.

“Many places just aren’t youth-friendly or open on an evening so many young people are reduced to hanging around on street corners or parks.”

The 60-mile route, along the Caledonian Canal from Fort William to Inverness, is a journey often taken by youngsters taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.

The trust is also looking for more volunteers to take the four-day guided trip in May, which will also involve camping and cooking in the wild.

Each participant must raise £1,500 towards the total in sponsorship and be over 18.

“This non-profit café would provide a safe place for young people to go on evenings and weekends. We hope parents and the residents of York will help the trust set up the café by supporting it financially,” said Joe.

A spokesman for the Youth Council said opening the café would be a difficult, but achievable, task.

He said: “We need £60,000 to open.

“This sounds like a lot of money and it is, but it is also an achievable goal if we all work together.”

To volunteer for the trip, or for more information, email Sarah Nicholson at