I HAVE just had a leaflet put through my door by my local Labour councillors in Micklegate telling me about their campaign to get a 20mph zone in the streets around here.

I am so pleased that at last someone is doing something about the way cars speed in and out of the residential streets of this area without regard to the safety of local people, particularly young children and the elderly.

Having a legal limit of 20 mph would make all but the most pig-headed of drivers remember that they are driving through narrow, densely populated areas which are first and foremost for the use of local people.

All the research shows that this kind of limit does have an effect on drivers’ behaviour and makes the streets safer.

Unfortunately, the Lib Dem controlled council has set a very high bar for the scheme to get through – insisting that more than 50 per cent of the entire population affected, not just of those voting, vote for 20 mph when the idea goes out for consultation.

May I through therefore urge everyone in the streets between Scarcroft Road, Campleshon Road, Albemarle Road to make sure they put their vote in favour.

If you are in favour but don’t vote, you will be counted as against the measure and we will continue to have our safety and that of our children put at risk by people driving too fast. Danny Golding, Albemarle Road, York.

• WITH reference to the proposed introduction of a 20mph speed limit in Westminster Road and The Avenue, one can only presume that the members of City of York Council involved in this have never tried to drive down these roads at more than 20mph and have just bowed to local pressure to make amends for the debacle they put in place at Clifton Green.

Since this mess was introduced, I have used the so-called rat-run on several occasions to get to Bootham because I was under the impression it was a public highway and not a private road; at no time would I attempt to speed down there.

The speed humps in Westminster Road are severe and the block paving ramp in The Avenue is so severe that I go over it in first gear. Any motorist who cares for their vehicle would not even attempt to go more than 20mph; the motorist who would will do so whether money is wasted on signs or not.

AP Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.