From all the many thousands who need and use our York hospital, including ourselves, I have never heard anyone say they had been let down.

More support from our economy, resulting from our collective work and efforts and creamed off by those who have done best out it, is needed to meet the growing demands it faces, starting at the top.

Those who say they don't want 'their' money paying for this that and the other should accept their taxes are for use in the common interest and needs, no longer 'theirs' alone.

Too many have dodged these responsibilities, for far too long in massive ways and, to make matters worse, have paid our politicians and their parties from their benefit cheating funds to work for them and their interests before and above any others.

I do think many under performing managers and executives are paid too much, but that is a common problem across the private and public sectors. I would not call in expensive consultants to shift the blame. Hence the ever increasing chasm between rich and poor, generating disunity.

There is a common social aspect to work at any level which many ignore.