THE BBC is a non-political broadcasting organisation which stands alone in the world with its scope, reputation and presentation of news and culture (Soapbox, March 29).

Rupert Murdoch puts his weight where he thinks he can get the best returns for his money.

Pretty well all our national treasures, except the NHS and the BBC, have been sacrificed on the altar of the world market since the war, and look where they have landed us.

I do agree that too many are getting far too much money for what they do. That applies right across society, as the ever-widening chasm between rich and poor clearly shows.

That is one of our most serious problems for disunity. They should start at the top and work down on this one. Don’t hold your breath.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.

• WITH regard to comments on the BBC, I am afraid Mr J Holroyd seems to believe David Cameron’s proposal to downsize the BBC would lead to a reduction in the licence fee. It would not.

How he can say that on the BBC “the standard of programmes, quality and content on the BBC has sunk to an all-time low” shows that he does not use all the channels to their full.

A great news channel, excellent documentaries, fantastic provision for children and teenagers with CBBies and CBBC and a great range of dramas both home-grown – Ashes To Ashes, Waking The Dead, Survivors, to name just a few. Yes there is light entertainment that I am not keen on, but it’s way better than many of the programmes from 30 years ago.

The BBC is a national institution people around the world are envious of due to its content and free speech.

Support your BBC, Mr Holroyd, otherwise not only will you be paying a licence fee you will be paying Mr Murdoch unless you want anything more than BBC1 and BBC Radio 4.

Coun Tracey Simpson-Laing, Salisbury Road, York.