ONCE again the council wants to introduce speed cameras into North Yorkshire, the only remaining county not to have them in the country, and at a time when other councils are removing them.

I fully support their use at accident black-spots to reduce accidents and save lives.

Let’s hope the claims are correct and if deaths do continue on North Yorkshire roads – and they will – then what does the council do next, introduce more cameras?

No, this is not the answer and I am proud to say to others outside North Yorkshire that our county is camera-free. Please stop going for the easy option and leave the motorist alone. Don’t motorists contribute enough funds over the year already?

Gary Mitchell, The Groves, York.

• HAVING occasion to drive along the A1237 from Rawcliffe to the double roundabout to exit on to the Leeds road early on Sunday morning, I was appalled by the driving exhibited by the few drivers on the road at that time.

Speed was the main culprit, with cars approaching roundabouts at great speed and driving straight across without hesitation or thought that a similar dangerous driver might be approaching the roundabout at a similar speed from a side road.

I have noticed a growing number of drivers who completely ignore the rules of the road, particularly when the road is quiet early in the morning, relying on the courtesy and skills of other drivers to keep them out of trouble. All very well, until they meet up with others of the same ilk, with innocent and competent drivers being caught in the mayhem they cause.

These ignorant drivers not only drive like mad men or women, but have the gall to sound their horns when driving behind people with greater experience, who impede their progress by observing the rules of the road.

It is time cars were fitted with compulsory devices to stop them exceeding a certain speed – activated by road speed limit signs. The decision to drive at any speed they wish should no longer be one made by drivers.

CM Ritchie, Alwyne Drive, Shipton Road, York.