THE workings of Westminster were revealed to three young people from York when they met children’s minister Ed Balls in London.

The meeting took place at the launch of a national volunteering programme for 14 to 16-year olds, which York is one of only five authorities to be involved in.

In York the project will be known as Feel Involved.

Pete Bock, 16, Jeremy Schooling, 15, and Joe Armer, 16, all from schools in York, travelled to London last week.

While there, they held interviews and discussions with Mr Balls and got a glimpse of the busy life of a minister.

Mick O’Connell, City of York Council’s project manager for York Youth Community Action, accompanied the three on their visit.

He said: “They were all really interested in how the launch went and the Government process.

“They were very interested in ministerial life and how hectic it is. They found Mr Balls a very amiable guy and felt he was listening.”

Paul Murphy, assistant director for Partnerships and Early Intervention at City of York Council, said: “The Feel Involved programme, which aims to involve all 14 to 16-year-olds in volunteering and community action activities, will have a beneficial impact on the local community and on the individuals themselves.

“It will build on the work of our existing youth volunteering programmes in the city, and will be a real boost to York’s Year of the Volunteer.”

Those aged from 14 to 16 who want to find out more should phone Sharon Oakley at York Council for Voluntary Service on 01904 621133.