THIS enormous quilt has been made by children and staff at a York primary school in memory of a much-missed teaching assistant.

Kath Luck, a teaching assistant and senior midday supervisor at Park Grove Primary School, died from heart failure in April 2008.

As a lasting tribute to her, pupils and staff set about making a commemorative quilt to display in the school.

The masterpiece is made up of fabric cut-outs of the hands of every pupil at Park Grove, as well as most members of staff and Kath’s daughter, Jade.

Head teacher Andrew Calverley said: “We’ve already raised money to buy a defibrillator for the top of the Minster tower in Kath’s memory and this year we decided to make this commemorative quilt. Everybody cut out the shape of their hand in a piece of fabric and decorated it with sequins, beads and just about anything you can think of.”