THE head at one of York’s most renowned educational institutions is stepping down, after six successful years.

Professor Sir John Holman is leaving his post as chief executive of Limited and director of the National Science Learning Centre, based at the University of York.

Sir John, who gained a knighthood in this year’s New Year’s Honours for services to education, has been in post at since 2004 and was involved in the opening of the centre by the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, in 2006.

Sir John said: “I have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to establish this world-leading centre for science education working alongside the White Rose University Consortium – a partnership between the universities of Leeds, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam and York. Since Tony Blair opened the Centre in early 2006, it has made a very significant impact on the quality of science education in the UK.

“Thousands of teachers have attended courses here and we have had the opportunity to work with leading experts and research scientists.

“The city of York has been an important part of the centre’s success too. It is a fantastic place and a destination people naturally want to visit.

“That, added to the state-of the-art facilities we can offer at the centre, has helped us to attract science teachers from all over the UK and give them a much-needed opportunity to step outside the classroom and review and refresh the way they teach their subject.

“Our research shows that this is already having a positive effect on young people’s understanding and enjoyment of science at school.”

Sir John will leave his post at the end of September, but will continue to lecture in chemistry at the University of York and to pursue his interests in education and science.

His replacement will be announced towards the end of May or in June.