A YOUNG singing star is appealing for sponsors to help fulfil her dreams.

Grace Shoobridge, who lives in Pickering, has been selected to audition for television’s X-Factor talent show in Manchester on April 11.

However, as the 16-year-old’s mum, Kim, is unable to drive, Grace needs to find funding to pay for her train fare to the auditions and an overnight hotel stay.

Grace said: “I’ve been singing and dancing since I was small and this is all I’ve every wanted to do.”

Grace is a regular performer at productions in Ryedale and won second place last year in the North Yorkshire Police Community Idol competition.

Grace’s mum said: “This is her dream – she is so passionate about singing and it will be so disappointing if she is unable to go to these auditions.”

To sponsor Grace, phone Kim on 07890 966304.