GRIEVING relatives will soon be getting improved support in York thanks to a £365,000 project at the city’s hospital.

The cash is being used to create a “bereavement suite” where people can register a death, collect loved one’s belongings and attend to other matters, bringing together services currently based at different parts of the hospital.

Patrick Crowley, chief executive of York Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: “It is great that the scheme has started. Once the suite is available to us we will be able to offer marked improvements in how we are able to support the bereaved and their families. It represents a huge milestone in the way this service can be delivered for the benefit of the whole community.”

Robert Livesey, City of York Council registration service manager, said: “We are excited that the register office will form the focal point of this new initiative and hope that it will make the bereavement journey easier for relatives dealing with the aftermath of a death.”

Funding for the construction of the bereavement suite, which is due to be completed this summer, came from the trust’s capital programme and a variety of charitable sources. The King’s Fund, a national charitable organisation which aims to improve health services in England, also provided £30,000.

The hospital said: “The final designs reflect views gathered through widespread consultation with those that have experienced the current service, including those of foundation trust members who were invited to an event to view the plans and have a say in what the suite would look like.”