A GROUP of young footballers are setting off on a marathon charity trek.

The youngsters, who play for Osbaldwick Under 15s FC, along with the team manager, assistant manager and some of the boys’ parents are aiming to walk 26-miles a day in the 200-mile journey to aid Help for Heroes.

They will set off at 9am on Easter Monday for Tottenham’s White Hart Stadium, in north London, from York City’s ground in Bootham Crescent.

Local company Costcutter Supermarkets Group has stepped forward to donate T-shirts, water and chocolate to keep the walkers going through the trip.

Representatives from the team recently collected the supplies from Costcutter.

Kevin Widdrington, a director at Costcutter, said: “Help for Heroes is one of Costcutter’s dedicated charities and through the Making A Difference charity we have already donated £25,000 to them this year.

“When we heard that these local lads were walking all the way to London to raise more money for the cause, we wanted to try to help them with that too.

Adele Lawrenson who will be walking with the team says “We’ve had fantastic support from a number of companies in York and we’re really grateful to them all and to Costcutter for providing these refreshments and shirts.”