DISMAYED parents have spoken of their shock at the closure of the playgroup they describe as “not a school, but a family”.

More than 70 children attend Tang Hall Squirrels, a playgroup based at Tang Hall primary school and run by a charitable committee. Parents were told in a letter from City of York Council this week that the scheme will close in June.

“We’re really shocked,” said Amanda Coe, whose six children all attended Squirrels.

“It’s an absolutely brilliant service. It’s not a school, but a family.”

The council has pledged to help parents find alternatives for their children, but most parents said the suggestions were simply not viable.

Gail Sunderland has taken her daughter Katy to the play scheme since she was two-and-a-half.

“Katy has autistic needs, and the staff helped her gain confidence and improved her walking ability.”

“This has been handled terribly. The parents are utterly devastated.

“There was no prior warning and the options we’ve been given don’t seem like real options,” she said.

“It was devastating to hear we’re losing Squirrels and we haven’t even been told why,” said Shona Hodgson, whose three children use the service.

A representative of the committee refused to comment on the closure.

Tang Hall Squirrels looks after 26 children at one time, but more than 70 are thought to use the facility on separate days.