ON FRIDAY morning I was one of a number of pedestrians who stood and watched a confrontation between a gentleman and a car driver at the junction of Lendal and Museum Street.

The driver turned right out of Lendal, contrary to both the traffic signs for that road and the safety of the people trying to cross Museum Street to the island opposite the Museum Gardens’ entrance. One pedestrian, a tall, bearded, gentleman with glasses, took exception to this and stood in the road, in front of the car until it turned round and followed the proscribed route.

Unfortunately he was physically and dangerously shoved out of the way, but had the courage of his convictions to repeat his protest at the junction of St Leonard’s Place with the same car, and for all I know was last seen chasing his quarry up A19, vocally making his point.

I’d like to say well done to this gentleman for taking this action, and apologise to him that I didn’t run to help when faced with agression and ridicule from some passers-by and the assault from the man (who was 20 years younger, what a hero he must think he is).

Only if individuals are prepared to make a stand against rudeness, thoughtlessness and carelessness when it is inflicted on us will people think twice about treating others with disdain, especially when driving cars without due care across a recognised pedestrian route, something which happens a thousand times a day on Museum Street.

Paul Yates, Nunthorpe Grove, York.