Classes 1 and 2 Science Week 15th March 06

Getting the prince up the tower

The classes listened eagerly to the story awaiting their challenge. They had to decide how to get the prince up the tower. Then they split to do different activities. Some attempted to stick the prince the prince to the tower using different materials. Others used pulleys and some bounced him up. A lot of children enjoyed this special week and all had a brilliant week. The children were inspired and many will grow to love science.

Junk modelling

As it was Science week, Year 3 was challenged to create a toy that moved. The toys they made had to include a force. Some of the models they made were: planes, nodding robots and submarines. One of the people we interviewed exclaimed that the planes were the most successful.

Jam Tarts

The children of Wigginton Primary School have done many exiting activities over science week. One of our favourite activities was the making of jam tarts!

We started off by pouring pastry-mix into a bowl and mixing it with water. Then we kneaded the dough and split it in half, before we cut it with a small pastry cutter. After that we rounded the edges and filled them with jam. We then chose between; sugar strands, chocolate drops and jelly tots. Finally we put them in the oven!

Voila, our jam tarts were made!


We were investigating reversible and irreversible changes. We found out that jam & chocolate were reversible and sugar strands, jelly tops & pastry were irreversible.

Updated: 15:07 Monday, March 27, 2006