YORK karate aces Nick Richards and Ian Tate have achieved a European first for the city.

Richards, 21, and 38-year-old Tate, pictured above, represented England at the JKA European Championships in Bochum, Germany.

It is believed to be the first time two fighters from the Minster city have been chosen for international duty.

Despite the medals eluding them in Germany, Tate said the pair were proud to have been invited to take part.

“It was an honour to be asked and it was great to be a part of it,” he said.

“Just to be there was a big thing in itself and not everybody can win. It was a very good standard.

“The medals were shared around. The Germans and Italians had very strong squads, but the England women won a couple of gold medals.

“We got through a couple of preliminary rounds each, but Nick got a bang in the face and the doctors wouldn’t let him continue.”

Despite being unable to attend England squad sessions which have been held over the last year, Tate and Richards were invited to a trial and made the final 12.

Said Kenshinkan instructor Tate: “It was a bit of a shock.

“To have two England members in the same club doesn’t happen very often. I don’t think it has ever happened in York.”

It was a long awaited return to the international scene for Tate, who was a European champion at the age of 17.

Richards, meanwhile, is aiming to gain his black belt this summer after spending three months training with the celebrated Takushoku Karate Club in Japan.

The brown belt was experiencing England duty for the first time, but he underlined his ability last July when he came second in his category in the North East Karate Championships.

For further information about York Kenshinkan Karate Club, visit the website www.yorkkarateclub.com.

The club train at Canon Lee School on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7pm to 9pm.