The FA Cup is to go on display at a trade show in York for pub landlords.

Pub company Marstons will stage the show at York Racecourse, which is only open to those in the pub business. The day-long event will include business-building ideas, cost savings, tried-and-tested pub event suggestions and case studies on how to run a successful pub. The FA Cup will also be on show, and licensees and their guests will be able to get their picture snapped with it.

Peter Lyne, Marston’s head of retail solutions, said: “We are in the most challenging times the pub trade has ever known and with some experts predicting green shoots in the economy, our road shows will offer some great ideas to capitalise on these.

The roadshow will be held on April 13, from 10.30am to 4pm. For more details, phone 0845 605 4545.