A MAN with mental health difficulties has been jailed for repeatedly breaking a court order designed to protect his former partner.

Two courts, one civil and one criminal, made orders forcing Stephen Paxton to leave her alone.

David Garnett, prosecuting, said just four days after getting a suspended prison term at York Crown Court for contacting her, Stephen Paxton broke a restraining order by going to her house. He also sent text messages on three occasions stating that he loved her. The messages were sent to a third person who knew her in the hope they would be passed on.

But when police arrested him five minutes after he was seen at her house on January 19, he made death threats.

At York Crown Court, Judge Jim Spencer QC warned that Paxton could be a danger when he is released from jail.

He told him: “I trust you have now got the message you have to obey this order. If you go on to breach the orders again, you will be going away for a long, long time.”

He ordered Paxton to serve the one-month prison sentence suspended on January 15, plus five months for his latest offence.

Paxton, 30, of Spalding Avenue, Clifton, pleaded guilty to breaching a restraining order made at Selby Magistrates Court on November 11, 2009. There is also a non-molestation order made against him at York County Court on July 29, 2009.

Both protect his former partner from him.

Mark Partridge, for Paxton, said his client now accepted the relationship was over.

He had been in contact with mental health professionals since being in prison and was taking medication for depression.