BACK in the 1970s, at an England versus Scotland match at Wembley, I was amazed to see a mini-army of Scottish fans in their kilts and banging drums with a massive banner which read “Remember Bannockburn”.

Now this was a battle near Stirling, where Robert the Bruce defeated Edward II in the year 1314 – 700 years ago.

After the match, some Scots caused mayhem, and pulled down the goalposts.

Emulating this, it seems that over the last 12 years England has been “invaded” by a latter-day army of Scottish politicians, bringing with them over the border their prejudices, political correctness and misguided policies, leaving us with a country whose way of life has been changed in a manner which could never have been expected.

Paradoxically, their championed theme anthem was: “Things can only get better.”

Among the protagonists of this Scottish Mafia, we’ve had names like Blair, Brown, McFall, Alexander, Darling, Browne, McNulty, Campbell, McBride and Jowell, et al.

One can only hope that at the election voters will have the wisdom to send some of these back over the border, and hopefully we can then get back to normal in one way or another.

John Wainwright, Back Lane, Ampleforth.