IMPROVEMENTS are on the way for St Leonard’s Hospice, York, thanks to a six-figure slice of NHS cash.

The hospice in Tadcaster Road will get £162,000 as part of the Department of Health’s Help the Hospices scheme.

The windfall will be spent on providing a bathroom for day-care patients, large enough for hoists and wheelchairs, an additional consulting room, improved waiting area and disabled toilet facilities for the outpatient clinic area.

The hospice said the Government money meant all the funds it raised in the community would “continue to be spent on care for patients”.

Martyn Callaghan, chief executive of St Leonard’s, said he was delighted to receive the grant. He said: “We asked patients, carers and staff how we could improve the independence and dignity for patients, and we provided this information to the Department of Health as part of our application.

“This funding does not come from the local primary care trust but as a one-off direct grant.”

Other hospices to benefit included Saint Michael’s in Harrogate and Martin House Hospice for children and young adults, at Boston Spa.