SO, Mr D Dawson, religion is to blame for unnecessary fear and misery.

Let's look at what the atheists did. In the name of the pseudo-science of evolution, they declared that natural selection and the survival of the fittest was the order of the day. They very quickly turned this into "might is right" and spawned the two greatest evils of the 20th century, Communism and National Socialism, with those two great exponents of moral superiority, Stalin and Hitler.

Your so-called scientific evidence is non-existent. The theory of evolution is 2,500 years old (Darwin was a Johnny-come-lately) and is still that a theory. I'm not a religious man like Carl Jung, I know God exists. But then, I'll admit defeat when you can prove that believing in evolution is not just blind faith.

K Barnes, North View, Catterton, Tadcaster.