TWO letters in today's Press (May 25) stand out. The first was "Yobs run streets and the police do nothing".

I would say the reason teenagers become yobs is not due to parents having disciplinary powers taken away. It is to do with the fact that the parents of teenage yobs were teenage yobs themselves and they totally abdicate any responsibility to bringing up their children in a correct manner. Responsible parents bring up decent children.

In the second letter ("Religious belief"), Mr Dawson states he is morally superior to any one with religious beliefs and he is pleased the younger generation have not had to suffer fear or misery in society.

This would be the generation that prowls the streets in gangs causing suffering, fear and misery to the elderly and law-abiding residents, having been "better informed" of their "human rights" that seem to exist to allow their behaviour to take precedence over the rights of residents to live in peace and safety.

S P Smith, Dijon Avenue, Acomb, York.