WE in UNISON fully support Les Marsh and the National Pensioners' Convention over the shortcomings of the Government's latest plans for pensions (Campaigners Slam Pension Reforms, May 26).

Existing pensioners need a fairer deal now, not in 2012 or 2044.

We also have to point out that while ministers talk of a "new deal" for retired workers, they are continuing to propose drastic cuts in the pension provision for staff in local government. This is despite our having paid into our schemes in good faith, in most cases for all of our working lives. A case of "what they giveth with one hand, they taketh away with the other"?

With private sector schemes also under threat, stronger legislative measures are needed to ensure that pension schemes and employee contributions are protected in all sectors.

We've all worked hard to help build what economists tell us is now the fourth richest economy in the world surely the least we can expect in return is a decent and dignified retirement?

Ben Drake, Branch Secretary, York City UNISON, Swinegate Court East, York.